AHI (China) sincerely invites suitably qualified distributors or dealers to sell and distribute Up-Lift and Quick Lift products. We believe the high product quality, excellent after sales service and competitive features of the products will bring about a long-term beneficial relationship to any potential distributors.
Applicants with access equipment industry experience or a track record of trading in hotel building and cleaning products will be favourably considered.
To Join Us: 1. Application: Must be made in writing, following an initial telephone or intennet enquiry. 2. Verification: The Company will conduct an independent audit of the applicant's suitability in the designated territory application is made, following which a reply will be provided. If successful, you will be invited to visit our factory and further discussion will be held. 3. Prior to signing the Distribution Agreement, intending applicant should provide photocopy of official documents such as Legal Representative Certification, Identity Card and Equity Funding status. 4. Upon signing the Distribution Agreement, approved applicants should provide the originals of basic information for e.g. Legal Representative Certification, trading reports of the applicant. 5. Following signing of the Distribution Agreement, the distributor can send 1 to 2 personnels for training in company. Potential trainees must possess basic mechanical and electrical knowledge. Training will generally take 2 to 3 days, depending on the respective distributor’s requirement. |